
航海专业汉英词典 航海专业英语词典 航海英语词典 航海英语词汇 航海专业词典 航海英语专业词典

航海专业汉英词典 第62页

不断改变be in a state of flux and reflux详细»
不断的never ending;unceasing;unending详细»
不断转动风帆以改变航向tack about详细»
不旋转的non spinning详细»
不时at intervals详细»
不时地and anon;every now and again;every now and then;once in a way;once in a while;upon occasion详细»
不时见到seen something of详细»
不明显地物点unidentifiable point详细»
不明显边界badly defined boundary详细»
不明白为什么see no reason详细»
不易受骗的up to snuff详细»
不易挥发油fixed oil〔名词〕详细»
不易燃的flame proof详细»
不易相处heavy in hand;heavy on hand详细»
不易磨光non polishing详细»
不易脆裂的non fragile详细»
不是...的本分be on part of详细»
不是众所周知it can not be well-known that;it may not be well-known that;it must not be well-known that;it should not be well-known that;it will not be well-known that;it would not be well-known that详细»
不是别的nothing other than详细»
不是只看到眼前see beyond her nose;see beyond his nose;see beyond my nose;see beyond our nose;see beyond their nose;see beyond your nose详细»
不是如此not so详细»
不是怎样了不起的东西be not up to much详细»
不是恰当的描述be not the word for it详细»
不是据称it be not claimed that;it can not be claimed that;it may not be claimed that;it must not be claimed that;it should not be claimed that;it will not be claimed that;it would not be claimed that详细»
不是据记载it be not recorded that;it can not be recorded that;it may not be recorded that;it must not be recorded that;it should not be recorded that;it will not be recorded that;it would not be recorded that详细»
不是据预报it be not forecasted that;it can not be forecasted that;it may not be forecasted that;it must not be forecasted that;it should not be forecasted that;it will not be forecasted that;it would not be forecasted that详细»
不是新的at second hand详细»
不是死球仍可继续比赛be in play详细»
不是碰巧it can not happen that;it did not happen that;it may not happen that;it must not happen that;it should not happen that;it will not happen that;it would not happen that详细»