
会计专业汉英词典 会计专业英语词典 会计英语词典 会计英语词汇 会计专业词典 会计英语专业词典

会计专业汉英词典 第166页

利润对销货比率profit to sales ratio;PS ratio详细?
利润差异profit variance详细?
利润指标indicator of profits;profit norm;profit index详细?
利润方程式profit equation详细?
利润核算profit calculation详细?
利润流转profit flow详细?
利润率profit rate;profit margin;rate of profit;profit percentage;percentage mark-up详细?
利润结构profit structure详细?
利润计划profit plan详细?
利润计算表statement of profit calculation详细?
利润调节profit reconciliation详细?
利润预算profit budget详细?
利率rate of interest;interest rate;money rate;price of money详细?
利率差别,利率差距,利率差异interest rate differentials详细?
利率期货契约future rate agreement详细?
利用国外借款安排的基本建设investments in capital construction using foreign loans详细?
利用成本utilized cost详细?
利用过少成本underutilization cost详细?
利益均沾,风险共担equally share the benefits as well as the risks详细?
利益流过法flow-through method详细?
利益短期化的投资行为investment behavior of pursuing short-term interests详细?
利税分流system whereby enterprises pay tax plus a percentage of profits详细?
利量比率profit-volume ratio详细?
别项如未包括时not elsewhere included详细?
到付运费freight payable at destination;freight to collect;carriage forward;freight collect;freight forward;freight destination详细?
到岸价值CIF value详细?
到岸价格净价cost,insurance,freight net详细?
到岸价格加关税cost,insurance,freight duty paid详细?
到岸价格加利息价cost,insurance,freight and interest (CIFI)详细?
到岸价格加卸货价cost,insurance,freight landed terms;CIF landed terms详细?