
会计专业汉英词典 会计专业英语词典 会计英语词典 会计英语词汇 会计专业词典 会计英语专业词典

会计专业汉英词典 第167页

到岸价格加汇费价cost,insurance,freight and exchange (CIFE)详细?
到岸价格加班轮费用价cost,insurance,freight liner terms详细?
到岸品质arrival quality详细?
到岸轮船舱底交货价cost,insurance,freight ex ship''s hold;CIF ex ship''s hold详细?
到库买卖arrival sale详细?
到期付款payable at maturity详细?
到期价值maturity value详细?
到期债券及息票matured bonds and coupons详细?
到期偿还债务noncallable bond详细?
到期养老保险金matured endowment详细?
到期利息interest due详细?
到期年金annuity due详细?
到期年金终值amount of an annuity due详细?
到期应偿付金额matured repayment详细?
到期支票matured check详细?
到期日day of maturity;due date;maturity date;date due;settlement day;expiring date;expiry date;dies ad quem;expiration note详细?
到期未付的负债matured liabilities unpaid详细?
到期汇票due bill;matured bill详细?
到期票据matured note;bill to fall due;bill to mature;matured bill详细?
到期票据兑现的分录entry for collection of notes详细?
到期票据金额sum due on a bill详细?
到期股金和股息due share capital and dividends详细?
到期货价迟延付款费late charge详细?
到期通知书renewal notice详细?
到港提单port bill of lading详细?
到货arrival of goods (AOG)详细?
到货价格delivered price;"to-arrive" price详细?
到货后销售sale on arrival详细?
到货时间arrival time详细?