
贸易专业汉英词典 贸易专业英语词典 贸易英语词典 贸易英语词汇 贸易专业词典 贸易英语专业词典

贸易专业汉英词典 第118页

价值管理value management详细»
价值累加历程value-added process详细»
价值补偿制度value compensation system详细»
价值表现的两极two poles of the expression of value详细»
价值被表现的商品commodity whose value is being expressed详细»
价值观的判断values approach详细»
价值规律law of value详细»
价值规律外因论theory of the external origin of the law of value详细»
价值规律的节约时间的作用function of the law of value in the economic use of time详细»
价值规律运行机制operative mechanism of the law of value详细»
价值计划value plan详细»
价值评定法value rating详细»
价值转化形态metamorphosis of value详细»
价值转移transfer of value详细»
价值量指标(企业)indicator of output value详细»
价内税taxes included in the calculated prices详细»
价差spread;price gap;difference;butterfly spread详细»
价廉物美good and cheap详细»
价格-收益比率price-earning ratio;PE ratio详细»
价格上涨price hikes;strengthen详细»
价格下跌falling price;recession in price详细»
价格下降准备reserve against decline in prices详细»
价格不易下跌downward rigidity详细»
价格不符variation in prices详细»
价格伸缩性price flexibility;flexibility of price详细»
价格体系pricing structure;price system详细»
价格信号失真false pricing signals详细»
价格偏离价值量deviation of price from the magnitude of value详细»