
贸易专业汉英词典 贸易专业英语词典 贸易英语词典 贸易英语词汇 贸易专业词典 贸易英语专业词典

贸易专业汉英词典 第175页

借款总帐loan ledger详细»
借款扩大资本trading on the equity详细»
借款服务debt service;debt serving详细»
借款条件conditions of a loan;borrowing requirement详细»
借款的发放费用cost of borrowings issuance详细»
借款的货币单位currency borrowed详细»
借款者套利borrower arbitrage详细»
借款股份股息debenture interest详细»
借款融资debt financing详细»
借款限额borrowing limit详细»
借涨价将原料成本的增加全部转嫁给消费者pass through详细»
借用件计划方法planning method for parts from other designs详细»
借用展品loan collection详细»
借用职工loaned employee详细»
借约中规定借款人可提前还款的权利anticipation right详细»
借记通知书,借款清单,借项通知单debit advice;debit note;debit memoradum详细»
借贷业money-lending business;lending and borrowing business详细»
借贷偿还能力,借款偿还能力ability to repay loan详细»
借贷利率borrowing rate详细»
借贷合同borrow and loan contract;contract of loan详细»
借贷平衡原则principle of equilibrium详细»
借贷抵押书bill of goods adventure详细»
借贷收付平衡balance of payments credits and debits详细»
借贷细帐(贷方交给借方审查和清算的)account rendered详细»
借贷资本borrowed capital;loan capital;interest-bearing capital详细»
借贷资本家loans capitalist;usurer详细»
借贷边际lending margin详细»
借贷银行borrower''s bank详细»
借销粮grain lending through marketing to grain-deficient units详细»
借项通知单debit note (DN)详细»