
贸易专业汉英词典 贸易专业英语词典 贸易英语词典 贸易英语词汇 贸易专业词典 贸易英语专业词典

贸易专业汉英词典 第186页

对公司的有效控制权working control详细»
对内价值(货币)domestic value详细»
对内协调internal coordination详细»
对内对外开放open up to the other parts of the country and to the outside world详细»
对内市场调查inward market research详细»
对内搞活revitalization of the domestic economy详细»
对内经济开发区internal economic development zones详细»
对内财务管理internal financial management详细»
对再投资的非税收性鼓励nontax incentives for reinvestment详细»
对农业用地的课税taxing agriculture land详细»
对冲基金(外汇市场)hedge fund详细»
对凭单背书担保backing a warrant详细»
对分法method of bisection详细»
对口协作regular cooperation in related factories详细»
对合伙企业的投资investment in a partnership详细»
对合变换convolution transform详细»
对商品询价inquiry for merchandise详细»
对固定费用可获得的盈利earnings available for fixed charges详细»
对国外来源收入的课税taxation of foreign-source income详细»
对外交易foreign transactions详细»
对外交易帐户external transaction accounts详细»
对外信贷保险协会Foreign Credit Insurance Association详细»
对外偿付能力external solvency详细»
对外公债external public debt详细»
对外剩余external surplus详细»
对外协调external coordination详细»
对外合作出版cooperation in publication with foreign countries详细»
对外国人的短期债权short-term claims on foreigners详细»
对外国的油气付款oil and gas payments to foreign countries详细»