
贸易专业汉英词典 贸易专业英语词典 贸易英语词典 贸易英语词汇 贸易专业词典 贸易英语专业词典

贸易专业汉英词典 第199页

储存能力storage power详细»
储存设备选择selection of storage详细»
储存资料和发出资讯系统(计算机)store and forward system详细»
储币选购saving money for selective purchases详细»
储油构造oil-bearing structure详细»
储粮备荒build up grain reserve against possible crop failures;store up grain against disaster详细»
储蓄—投资均衡条件savings-investment equilibrium condition详细»
储蓄中心的资金融通reserve-center financing详细»
储蓄会savings society详细»
储蓄债券savings certificate;savings bonds详细»
储蓄公债savings bond详细»
储蓄函数savings function详细»
储蓄及货款协会资产增加数increase in assets of savings and loan associations详细»
储蓄周转率savings turnover ratio详细»
储蓄存单,储蓄定存单savings certificate;savings deposit certificate详细»
储蓄存款折passbook saving withdrawals;savings passbook详细»
储蓄帐户存款单savings account deposit slip详细»
储蓄总额,储蓄总量total savings deposit;gross savings;aggregate savings详细»
储蓄支取率savings withdrawal ratio详细»
储蓄机构thrift institution详细»
储蓄率savings ratio详细»
储蓄系数savings coefficient详细»
储蓄贷款保险公司savings and loan insurance corporation详细»
储蓄过度理论oversaving theory详细»
储蓄银行基金savings bank funds详细»
储蓄鼓励thrift encouragement详细»
储藏矿量possible ore详细»
储藏部门stock and stores department详细»
储藏黄金的需求hoarding demand for gold详细»
储运warehousing and transportation详细»