
贸易专业汉英词典 贸易专业英语词典 贸易英语词典 贸易英语词汇 贸易专业词典 贸易英语专业词典

贸易专业汉英词典 第196页

偶发事故条款contingency clause详细»
偶发故障random failure;change failure详细»
偶和even summation详细»
偶得利润casual profit详细»
偶数同位校验even parity check详细»
偶然事故的损失loss from accident详细»
偶然变动irregular fluctuation;accidental fluctuation;chance fluctuation详细»
偶然基点accidental base point详细»
偶然收入occasional income详细»
偶然概率accident probability详细»
偶然的价值形式accidental form of value详细»
偶然的顾客stray customer详细»
偶然误差accidental error;random error;accident error详细»
偶生成本nonrecurring cost详细»
偶生收益nonrecurring income详细»
偷工减料do shoddy work and use inferior material;scamp work and stint material;cheat in work and cut down material;use inferior materials and turn out substandard goods;jerry-build;shortchanging on work and materials详细»
偷税漏税,偷税evade paying taxes;tax evasion;evade taxes详细»
偷税漏税行为ways of going about tax evasion详细»
偷窃、扒窃及未交货theft,pilgerage and nondelivery详细»
偿付reimburse;pay back;reimbursement;settle;solve;tender;payment详细»
偿付信用证reimbursement letter of credit;reimbursement credit详细»
偿付债务payment of debts详细»
偿付力比率liquidity ratio详细»
偿付开支meet expense详细»
偿付授权书reimbursement authorization详细»
偿付条款reimbursement clause详细»
偿付租费tender the amount of rent详细»
偿付行对代付行所开的偿付信用证disposal credit;compliance credit;reimbursement credit详细»
偿债debt redemption;debt service详细»