翻译 | 详细 |
买方的策动[股票] bull movement | 详细» |
买方盈余buyer''s surplus | 详细» |
买方负担出口包装费export packing for buyer''s account | 详细» |
买方远期信用证buyer''s usance credit;buyer''s usance | 详细» |
买方递盘bid | 详细» |
买方集中buyer concentration | 详细» |
买期保值,买期保值期货,买入对冲hedge buying;buying hedge | 详细» |
买气旺盛aggressive buying | 详细» |
买汇水单foreign exchange memo | 详细» |
买空,买空的证券投机商bull | 详细» |
买空卖空公司bubble company | 详细» |
买者过多的市场long market | 详细» |
买进acquisition;buy-in;buying-in | 详细» |
买进价格[证券]bid price | 详细» |
买进指示[证券交易]market order | 详细» |
买进现成物品buying off the peg | 详细» |
买进证券以补足卖空差额closed trade | 详细» |
买零星股票的人odd lotter | 详细» |
乱拉资金misuse of specified funds;dishonest acquisition and misuse of funds | 详细» |
乱摊成本unjustified additions to production costs;indiscriminate additions to production costs;arbitrarily increasing the production costs | 详细» |
乱收费indiscriminate charge | 详细» |
乳品业dairying | 详细» |
了结债务的调解composition and schemes of arrangement | 详细» |
了结成本settling up cost | 详细» |
了解内幕者的股票交易insider trading | 详细» |
了解成本动态的固定-变异法fixed-variable approach to understanding cost behavior | 详细» |
争原料contend over raw materials;compete for raw materials | 详细» |
争取市场capture market | 详细» |
争取按期完成任务work against time | 详细» |
争夺代表权的斗争proxy fights | 详细» |