
专利专业汉英词典 专利专业英语词典 专利英语词典 专利英语词汇 专利专业词典 专利英语专业词典

专利专业汉英词典 第70页

从新绕线管中移去新纬线末端removing fresh weft end from fresh bobbin详细?
从木材除去树皮removing bark zones from timber详细?
从机器from machines详细?
从机器上输送钢板(输送毛坯)delivery of s heets (delivery of blanks)详细?
从机器中from machines详细?
从机器中出来的钢板的分送sheet delivery from machines详细?
从机器传诵板子delivery of sheets from machines详细?
从机器卸下板状材料discharging sheet material from machines in general详细?
从机器运纸delivery of sheets from machines详细?
从机床中分送的钢板delivery of sheets from machines详细?
从机械中from machines详细?
从杂志上去除removal from magazine详细?
从条状材料制造鞋底making soles from strips of material详细?
从枕木上from the sleeper详细?
从枕木上升高raising from the sleeper详细?
从某一轨道转至另一轨道的传递装置device for transferring from one runway to another详细?
从核反应堆除热removing SHUT DOWN heat from nuclear reactors详细?
从梳理工具中去除纤维removing fibres from carding elements详细?
从植物原料得到的动物饲料animal feeding-stuff from vegetable material详细?
从模具剥离铸件STRIPPING of castings from moulds详细?
从气体……from gases详细?
从气体中分离、气体混合物separating from gases,gaseous mixtures详细?
从气体中分离固体颗粒的干燥过滤器dry filter for the separation of solid particles from gases详细?
从气体中回收recovery from gases详细?
从气体分离气体separation of gases from gases详细?
从气体去除的硫磺二氧化硫removal of SULFUROUS sulfur dioxide from gases详细?
从气体混合物from gas mixtures详细?
从气体硫磺化合物中提取的硫磺配制preparation of sulphur from gaseous sulphur compounds详细?
从气态混合物、液化气体分离组分separating the constituents of gaseous mixtures,gases involving the use of liquefaction详细?
从水下井中获取石油oil recovery from underwater wells详细?