
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第136页

信托机构fiduciary institution详细»
信托背书endorsement for credit;indorsement for credit详细»
信托证书trust certificate;trust instrument详细»
信托财产制度trust system详细»
信托财产的所有权ownership of trust详细»
信托遗产trust legacy详细»
信汇mail transfer详细»
信用买卖credit sale;sale on credit详细»
信用交易credit transaction详细»
信用借款credit loan;debt of honor详细»
信用债券debenture bonds;trust bond详细»
信用卡犯罪crime by taking advantage of credit cards详细»
信用卡诈骗fraud on credit card详细»
信用合作社credit cooperative详细»
信用委员会credit committee详细»
信用市场credit market详细»
信用担保credit guaranty详细»
信用期限credit limit详细»
信用汇票credit bill详细»
信用状取款凭单bill of credit详细»
信用票据credit instrument详细»
信用证业务credit operation详细»
信用证日期credit date详细»
信用证有效期满expiration date of letter of credit详细»
信用证条件credit terms;terms of credit详细»
信用证纠纷letter-of-credit dispute详细»
信用证诈欺fraud on letter of credit详细»
信用调查credit inquiry详细»
信用贷款unsecured loan;loan without security详细»