
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第137页

信用透支额line of credit详细»
信用限度marginal credit详细»
信誉债务debt of honor详细»
信访letters from and calls by the people;letters of complaint from the people and the calls they make to lodge complaints详细»
信贷公司finance company详细»
信贷合同contract of loan详细»
信贷法规credit regulation;credit laws and regulation详细»
信贷经纪人credit brokerage详细»
信贷资金管理credit and finance control详细»
修业证书certificate for the completion of a course of study;certificate showing courses attended详细»
修改专利申请中的权利要求amend claims in a patent application详细»
修改动议motion for amendment;motion for modification详细»
修改宪法会议constitutional convention详细»
修改权right of modification;right of revision;power of amendment详细»
修改条约revision of treaties详细»
修改章程revision of bylaws详细»
修改遗嘱纠纷案件controversy over modification of a will详细»
修正协定agreement on amendment;agreement on revision详细»
修正条款amendment clause;correction clause详细»
修正犯罪构成amendatory constitution of crime;corrected constitution of crime详细»
修正草案amended draft;draft amendment详细»
修正边界rectification of boundaries详细»
修理、重作、更换repair;redo and change详细»
修理完善in good repair;repair;sufficient repair详细»
修理计量器具许可证license for repairing measuring instruments详细»
修理费用条款cost of repairs clause详细»
修缮合同betterment contract;housing renovation contract详细»
修缮条款betterment clause详细»