
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第142页

债权抵押物pledge of obligation详细?
债权数额amount of credit详细?
债权更新novation of creditor''s right详细?
债权法院court of request;court of request详细?
债权清偿分配顺序原则equitable doctrine of the marshaling of assets详细?
债权让与assignment of a credit详细?
债权请求证明proof of claim详细?
债权转移cession;transfer of creditor''s right;transfer of obligatory right详细?
债权银行creditor bank详细?
债法law of obligation详细?
债的不履行nonperformance of obligation详细?
债的主体subject of obligation详细?
债的内容content of obligation详细?
债的变更modification of obligation;novation of obligation详细?
债的履行条件conditions for performance of obligation详细?
债的担保security of obligation详细?
债的标的subject matter of obligation详细?
债的混同amalgamation of obligations详细?
债项amount due;debit详细?
值勤岗位military or police post on point duty详细?
值班人员person on duty详细?
倾向犯tendency offender详细?
倾销价格dumping price详细?
倾销政策dumping policy详细?
假传军令罪crime of falsely passing off military orders详细?
假供false confession;false demonstration详细?
假公济私job;use public office for private gain;jobbery详细?
假冒falsify;forge;palm off;pass for sth.;pass off as sb.;false making;imitation;imposture;counterfeit;false;forged详细?