
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第68页

主观解释subjective interpretation详细»
主观说subjective theory详细»
主观过错subjective fault详细»
主观违法要素subjective element of illegality详细»
主观领土管辖权subjective territorial jurisdiction详细»
主设地dominant tenement详细»
主诉principal action;principal claim详细»
主题问题relevant question详细»
举债borrow money;contract a loan;raise a loan详细»
举手表决vote by show of hands详细»
举报inform of an offense;report an offense;tip;information;report;tip-off详细»
举报有功人员person worthy of merit in reporting crimes详细»
举证adduce evidence;induce evidence;lodge a proof;produce evidence;put to the proof详细»
举证方法means of adducing evidence;means of proof详细»
举证的必要burden of adducing evidence详细»
举证责任的免除exemption of the burden of proof详细»
久拖不决constant postponement with no decisive results详细»
义兄弟foster brother详细»
义务主体subject of duty;subject of obligation详细»
义务兵compulsory serviceman详细»
义务冲突原则principle of conflict of obligations详细»
义务履行期dies venit详细»
义务成立期与义务履行期dies cedit and dies venit详细»
义务教育compulsory education详细»
义务期间obligatory term详细»
义务缴费人compulsory payer详细»
义务规范obligatory norm详细»
义女adopted daughter;foster daughter详细»
义愤moral indignation;righteous indignation详细»
义母adoptive mother;foster mother详细»