
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第72页

书面通知written notice;written notification详细»
书面邀请written invitation详细»
书面陈述recite;recitation;written statement详细»
买主当心caveat emptor详细»
买主选择权buyer''s option详细»
买入价buying rate详细»
买办资本comprador''s capital详细»
买卖不动产定金收据real estate binder详细»
买卖人口deal in human beings详细»
买卖公职罪offense of buying or selling public office详细»
买卖合同bargain;business contract;contract of sale;contract of purchase;sales agreement详细»
买卖合同标的物subject matter of a contract of sale详细»
买卖合同纠纷案件controversy over a contract of sale详细»
买卖契约business contract;contract of sale详细»
买卖授权书power of sale详细»
买卖效力effect of sale详细»
买卖标的物风险责任liability for risks of the subject matter of sales详细»
买卖股票的期权puts and calls详细»
买卖行为act of purchase and sale详细»
买回权right of redemption详细»
买方仓库交货价ex buyer''s godown详细»
买方代理商business firm representing the buyer详细»
买方信贷担保buyer''s credit guarantee;security of buyer''s credit详细»
买方留置权purchaser''s lien详细»
买方码头交货价ex quay ... duty on buyer''s account详细»
买方订单buyer''s order详细»
买方选择权buyer''s option详细»
买空buy long详细»