
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第80页

五月花号”公约Mayflower Compact详细»
五权制度the system of five powers详细»
五法典the five French codes详细»
五种空中自由five freedoms of air详细»
五级检察官grade 5 prosecutor;prosecutor of the fifth grade详细»
五金、交电购销合同contract for purchases of hardware and electrical products详细»
五院制the five-yuan system of central power raised by Dr. Sun Yat-sen and practiced during the Kuomintang reign and in Taiwan详细»
井底协议bottom-hole agreement详细»
井水污染well water pollution详细»
亚安体系Asian collective security system详细»
亚硝酸盐中毒nitrite poisoning详细»
亚非会议the Asian-African Conference详细»
亡符losing credentials详细»
交互上诉cross appeal详细»
交互地役权cross easement详细»
交互诉讼请求cross-claim;recreational claim详细»
交付令writ of delivery详细»
交付占有权livery of seisin详细»
交付宣判render a sentence;render a verdict详细»
交付替代货物delivery of substitute goods详细»
交付来人to bearer详细»
交付财产delivery of the property;livery详细»
交付运费地点freight payable at详细»
交代罪行confess a crime详细»
交仲裁人仲裁refer to arbitration;submit to arbitration;reference to arbitration;submission to arbitration详细»
交保期满后自动出庭surrender to one''s bail详细»
交保释放release on bail详细»
交出罪犯delivery of an offender详细»