
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第83页

交货单delivery advice;delivery order详细»
交货和验收证明书delivery an acceptance certificate详细»
交货日期date of delivery;delivery date;delivery schedule详细»
交货期date of delivery;delivery date;delivery time;time of delivery详细»
交货条件delivered conditions;delivery terms详细»
交货港port of delivery详细»
交货特殊条件special conditions of delivery详细»
交货站delivery station详细»
交货逾期delay in delivery详细»
交货重量delivered weight详细»
交运价格shipment price详细»
交运行李~运输the carriage of registered baggage详细»
交还非法扣押物令writ of detinue详细»
交通事故准据法law applicable to traffic accidents详细»
交通事故损伤traffic injury详细»
交通事故罪offense against traffic laws详细»
交通事故责任liabilities for traffic accident;详细»
交通事故造成的孤儿traffic orphan详细»
交通安全法规traffic safety code详细»
交通庭court of communications;traffic court;tribunal of communications详细»
交通标志traffic sign详细»
交通案件即决审判程序proceeding for summary judgment of traffic cases详细»
交通法庭court of communications;traffic court详细»
交通监理部门traffic control department详细»
交通管制区controlled traffic area详细»
交通管理行政处罚administrative punishment concerning traffic control详细»
交通肇事causing traffic trouble详细»
交通行政主管部门administrative department in charge of communications;competent administrative department for communications详细»
交通行政法administrative law of communications详细»
交通行政管理administration of communications详细»