
会计专业汉英词典 会计专业英语词典 会计英语词典 会计英语词汇 会计专业词典 会计英语专业词典

会计专业汉英词典 第28页

库存商品的价格变动fluctuations in prices of merchandise inventory详细»
库存增加increase in inventories详细»
库存季节性高峰seasonal peaks on inventory详细»
库存帐户inventory account详细»
库存成本stock-holding cost;carrying costs;inventory cost详细»
库存成本计算inventory costing详细»
库存报表status reporting详细»
库存按成本计价法cost method of inventory pricing详细»
库存期限life of stock详细»
库存核算,库存帐户inventory account详细»
库存物资stock in storage;stores;goods kept in stock;reserve of materials详细»
库存物资分类帐store ledger详细»
库存物资分类记帐员stores ledger clerk详细»
库存物资清领单stores requisition详细»
库存率stock-sales ratio详细»
库存现金簿account of cash in vault详细»
库存统计inventory statistics详细»
库存股票帐户treasury stock account详细»
库存股票盈余treasury stock surplus详细»
库存评价损失loss on inventory valuation详细»
库存调整inventory adjustment;stock adjustment;store adjustment详细»
库存资产inventory assets详细»
库存进出平均成本的假设average-cost flow assumption详细»
库存问题inventory problem详细»
库存降到市价损失loss from reduction of inventory to market value详细»
库容量storage capacity详细»
库莱贷款Cooley loan详细»
应上税的利润taxable profit详细»
应付价格price actually payable详细»