翻译 | 详细 |
工业市场研究,工业用品市场研究industrial market research | 详细» |
工业应用commercial use | 详细» |
工业建筑industrial buildings | 详细» |
工业总产值value of total output of industry;gross industrial output value;gross output value of industry;total value of industrial output;total industrial output value | 详细» |
工业惯例industrial custom | 详细» |
工业成本制度industrial cost system | 详细» |
工业所有权industrial ownership;industrial property | 详细» |
工业技术基础industrial technological base | 详细» |
工业技术现代化industrial technological modernization | 详细» |
工业投资industrial investment | 详细» |
工业改组公司industrial reorganization corporation | 详细» |
工业效率industrial efficiency | 详细» |
工业普查general survey of industry;industrial census | 详细» |
工业标准industrial standard | 详细» |
工业法industrial law | 详细» |
工业流动资金industrial circulating funds | 详细» |
工业生产industrial production;manufacturing production;commercial manufacture | 详细» |
工业生产协作industrial production cooperation | 详细» |
工业生产和库存industrial production and stocks | 详细» |
工业生产技术财务计划financial plan of industrial production technologies | 详细» |
工业生产消费industrial consumption | 详细» |
工业生产管理计算系统general engineering and management computation system (GEMCS) | 详细» |
工业生产能力industrial production capacity;industrial capacity | 详细» |
工业生产计划industrial production plan | 详细» |
工业积累industrial accumulation | 详细» |
工业管理体制industrial management system | 详细» |
工业管理工程industrial management engineering | 详细» |
工业管理部门factory administration department | 详细» |
工业簿记industrial booking;industrial bookkeeping;manufacturing bookkeeping | 详细» |
工业经济industrial economy | 详细» |