翻译 | 详细 |
外汇票据类foreign items | 详细» |
外汇稳定exchange stabilization | 详细» |
外汇竞争exchange competition | 详细» |
外汇管制委员会[日本]Foreign Exchange Control Board (FECB) | 详细» |
外汇管制领域exchange control territory | 详细» |
外汇管理中心center of foreign exchange control | 详细» |
工业分析,工艺分析industrial analysis | 详细» |
工业利润industrial profit | 详细» |
工业制成品manufactured goods;industrial products;manufactured products | 详细» |
工业劳动industrial labor | 详细» |
工业劳动生产率industrial labor productivity | 详细» |
工业原材料价格industrial materials prices | 详细» |
工业发达国家industrially developed country | 详细» |
工业合作总社General Cooperative of Industry | 详细» |
工业和民用气体industrial and domestic gases | 详细» |
工业品价值总量的货币表现total value of industrial products expressed in monetary form | 详细» |
工业品供应量industrial supply | 详细» |
工业品市场industrial product market;market for industrial goods | 详细» |
工业品收购业务管理management of purchasing industrial products | 详细» |
工业品购销形式forms of purchases and sales of industrial products | 详细» |
工业商业industrial business | 详细» |
工业商品生产的年度统计annual statistics of production of industrial commodities | 详细» |
工业固定资产industrial fixed assets | 详细» |
工业基地industrial base | 详细» |
工业基金industrial funds | 详细» |
工业复兴公司[意大利]Instituto Per la Ricostruzione Industriale (IRI) | 详细» |
工业对黄金的需求industrial demand for gold | 详细» |
工业工程,工业工程学industrial engineering | 详细» |
工业工程师industrial engineer | 详细» |
工业市场industrial market | 详细» |