
会计专业汉英词典 会计专业英语词典 会计英语词典 会计英语词汇 会计专业词典 会计英语专业词典

会计专业汉英词典 第68页

代收项目collection item详细»
代数法algebraic method详细»
代替保证金的存入证券securities deposited in lieu of guaranty money详细»
代替成本displacement cost;alternative cost详细»
代替税in lieu of" taxes详细»
代替输出substituting export详细»
代理by procuration;per pro;proxy;per procuration;attorneyship详细»
代理业务工作量agency workload详细»
代理业务督查agency superintendent详细»
代理买卖海外证卷act as an agent for selling or buying overseas securities详细»
代理交换票据的清算银行clearing house agent详细»
代理人不指名的委托人agency unnamed principal详细»
代理人留置权agent''s lien详细»
代理人的权利agent''s rights;rights of agent详细»
代理人要求终止契约termination of contract by the representative详细»
代理人隐名委托人agency undisclosed principal详细»
代理会计责任明细表agent''s accountability ledger详细»
代理公债佣金commission for government bond business详细»
代理关系agency relation详细»
代理关系协定,代理合同agency agreement;agency contract详细»
代理协定,代理协议agency agreement;correspondent agreement;agency arrangement详细»
代理商commercial agent;agent;factor;commission merchant详细»
代理商的扣押权,代理商留置权factor''s lien详细»
代理国库(state bank) acts as the state treasury详细»
代理契约agency contract详细»
代理店和分店会计accounting for agency and branch operations详细»
代理店欠款due from agencies详细»
代理手续费agency commission;agent fee;agent commission详细»
代理服务agency service详细»