翻译 | 详细 |
以美国为权数的购买力比价U.S. weighted purchasing power parity | 详细» |
以美国轮船载运的立法ship in American bottoms" legislation | 详细» |
以股票作红利share bonus | 详细» |
以背书转让endorse | 详细» |
以自然资源为基础的工业natural resources-based industry | 详细» |
以船舶装运shipment by steamer | 详细» |
以获有舱位为条件subject to shipping space available | 详细» |
以补充点为基准的订货方式replenishment-based ordering system | 详细» |
以装运重量为准shipped weight final | 详细» |
以记帐支付的支票check payable in account | 详细» |
以证券为担保的借款人giver-on | 详细» |
以调解方式解决分歧settle the difference in an amicable way | 详细» |
以货币计算in terms of money;in money terms | 详细» |
以货抵债cessio bonorum | 详细» |
以购货人为受货人consigned to buyer;unto buyer | 详细» |
以较高的价格出售sell at a higher price | 详细» |
以远权right to extend a flying route;right of flights beyond | 详细» |
以速遣费形式支付的补偿费compensation in the form of dispatch | 详细» |
以销售行为全部完成基础completed sales basis | 详细» |
以销定产、产需直接见面(enterprises can) produce according to sales and can directly contact with buyers | 详细» |
以零为基数的编制计划和预算zero-base planning and budgeting | 详细» |
以需定产、产需结合basing production on demand and integrating production with demand | 详细» |
以非现金购得子公司股本noncash acquisition of subsidiary stock | 详细» |
以顾客为中心customer-oriented | 详细» |
以黄金作抵押的贷款gold-secured loans | 详细» |
仪器仪表instruments and meters;instrumentation | 详细» |
仪器厂instrument plant | 详细» |
仪表,仪器instrument;apparatus | 详细» |
仲裁mediation;arbitrate;arbitrage;arbitration | 详细» |
仲裁合同contract of arbitration | 详细» |