
会计专业汉英词典 会计专业英语词典 会计英语词典 会计英语词汇 会计专业词典 会计英语专业词典

会计专业汉英词典 第70页

代销商店selling agent详细»
代销期限为…月consignment for a period of…months详细»
代销条件consignment terms详细»
代顾客挑选货物的人[百货商店等]personal shopper详细»
代验证明书analysis certificate;certificate of analysis详细»
以(数)量计算in terms of volume详细»
以…为条件with the proviso (that the shareholders still have final ownership right)详细»
以…价格供货offer at the price of…详细»
以…作抵押借款raise money on详细»
以…名义的代理关系协定agency agreement in the name of…详细»
以…支付in payment for sth.详细»
以…来结算的费用cost per…详细»
以一定收益为基准的证券购入buying on a yield basis详细»
以专有技术的形式出售知识sale of knowledge as know-how详细»
以个案讨论变革方式case discussion approach详细»
以临时进口为进口条件import on a temporary export basis详细»
以交货地点为条件的报价price quotation in terms of place of delivery详细»
以产业供债权人分配者cessionary bankrupt详细»
以产定销sales determined by products;basing sales on production详细»
以产顶进substitution of the products manufactured by ... for similar imported products详细»
以代收银行为受货人consigned to collecting bank;unto collecting bank详细»
以代用品缴税tax payment by substitute详细»
以低于平均价格买进average down详细»
以信用担保的贷款loan secured by credit详细»
以债券偿付利息funding debenture详细»
以公有制为主导的股份公司stock company with public ownership as the mainstay详细»
以其他收入抵充支出offsetting of proprietory receipts详细»
以分期付款方式出售installment sale详细»