
贸易专业汉英词典 贸易专业英语词典 贸易英语词典 贸易英语词汇 贸易专业词典 贸易英语专业词典

贸易专业汉英词典 第115页

以税代利substitution of tax payments for profit delivery;replace profit delivery with tax payments;pay taxes to the state instead of delivering profits;payment of tax in place of the handing of profit;substitution of taxes for delivery of profits详细»
以第三者为装船人的提单third party bill of lading;neutral party bill of lading详细»
以箭头代表作业activity on arrow详细»
以纸币计算的商品价格commodity prices calculated in currency详细»
以结节代表作业activity on-node详细»
以美国为权数的几何平均指数geometric mean of U.S. weighted index详细»
以美国支出为权数U.S. expenditure weight详细»
以股息方式摊还资本capital returned to stockholders in dividends详细»
以股票支付的股息dividend payable in capital stock详细»
以色列银行Bank of Israel详细»
以获有舱位为条件subject to shipping space available详细»
以行政记录为基础的人口普查register-based population census详细»
以装运重量为准shipped weight final详细»
以见票即付基础,以见票基础at sight basis详细»
以证券作抵押的债券collateral trust bond详细»
以货币购物pecuniary exchange详细»
以货易货制barter system详细»
以资弥补make up the deficit;make up a shortage详细»
以进养出 (外贸)(in the case of some products,) imports may be utilized to serve the expansion of exports;use imported technology,equipment,raw materials and parts to produce more exports;import for expanding export详细»
以远权right to extend a flying route;right of flights beyond详细»
以速度为中心的转变change from being speed-oriented to详细»
以邻为壑use the neighbor''s field as an outlet for one''s overflow;use one''s neighbor''s field as a drain - shift one''s troubles onto others;dump rubbish in the neighbor''s yard;beggar-my-neighbor (tactics)详细»
以邻为壑的进口壁垒beggar-my-neighbor import barriers详细»
以金钱为准的工资nominal wages详细»
以钢为纲taking steel as the key link详细»
以销售行为全部完成基础completed sales basis详细»
以销定产、产需直接见面(enterprises can) produce according to sales and can directly contact with buyers详细»