
贸易专业汉英词典 贸易专业英语词典 贸易英语词典 贸易英语词汇 贸易专业词典 贸易英语专业词典

贸易专业汉英词典 第114页

以押品作抵押on mortgage详细»
以支定收revenue is determined by expenditure详细»
以收入抵作支出set off receipts against expenditures详细»
以收包裹者付款的方式寄包裹send a package collect详细»
以收抵支、自计盈亏self-determination of profit or loss by charging expenses against revenue详细»
以政府资金促使经济发展prime the pump详细»
以数量表示的条件预测quantified conditional prediction详细»
以新票据抵换到期票据的分录entry for a renewal note详细»
以时间为基础的网络time-based network详细»
以最佳的汇率或价格at best详细»
以最小的劳动耗费取得最大经济效果get the maximum economic results with a minimum expenditure of labor;achieving maximum economic results through a minimum expenditure of labor详细»
以期定量fixing batch production on a periodic basis详细»
以本国船只运输的贸易active commerce详细»
以样品为准as per sample详细»
以正式订约为准subject to contract详细»
以毛重作净重gross for net详细»
以法治税tackling tax problems according to law详细»
以满期缺口补进部位covered position with a maturity gap详细»
以潜在收入为纳税基础potential income as tax base详细»
以物品担保的贷款loan secured by things详细»
以物易物exchange and barter详细»
以特别提款权计值的欧洲贷款SDR-denominated Eurocredits详细»
以特定或更佳价格at or better详细»
以现值表示的国民生产总值money GNP (gross national product)详细»
以电话做上市股票的投机性交易的处所boiler room详细»
以盈余偿还的长期债务funded debt retired from surplus详细»
以知识为基础的假定knowledge-based assumption详细»
以租入财产担保的公司债bond secured by leased property详细»