
贸易专业汉英词典 贸易专业英语词典 贸易英语词典 贸易英语词汇 贸易专业词典 贸易英语专业词典

贸易专业汉英词典 第41页

两分法,二分法law that "one divides into two";dichotomous approach;dichotomy详细»
两区分割two-cell partition详细»
两双数列相关比率bi-serial ratio of correlation详细»
两可融资either-or facility详细»
两因素需要理论two-factor need theory详细»
两地套汇,两地套利two-point arbitrage;direct arbitrage详细»
两大部类分类法classification of two major sectors详细»
两大部类经济two-department economy详细»
两差异制two-variance system详细»
两平汇率break-even exchange rate详细»
两期积累乘数two-period cumulative multiplier详细»
两权分离,两权分开 (企业改革)separation of two rights,i.e.,separation of the right of ownership and the right of management;separating the right of ownership from the right of management;separation of proprietary rights from rights of management详细»
两条路线斗争struggle between two lines;two-line struggle详细»
两次付息期间的债券估值bond valuation between interest dates详细»
两次取样检验double sampling inspection详细»
两次普查之间的时期intercensal period详细»
两次普查间的人口intercensal population详细»
两步估计法two-step estimation procedure详细»
两步抽样two-step sampling详细»
两段估计two-stage estimation详细»
两段最小平方估计量two-variable single equation estimator;two-stage least squares estimator详细»
两段最小平方法two-stage least squares;method of two stage least squares详细»
两点分布two-point distribution详细»
两班工作制,两班制double shift;double day shift详细»
两用产品dual-use products详细»
两用生产能力double production capacity详细»
两相抽样two-phase sampling详细»
两级存货管理制two-bin system详细»
两级抽样two-stage sampling详细»