
贸易专业汉英词典 贸易专业英语词典 贸易英语词典 贸易英语词汇 贸易专业词典 贸易英语专业词典

贸易专业汉英词典 第42页

两组分类two-fold classification;classification by dichotomy of twofold详细»
两美元经纪人 (纽约证券交易所)two-dollar broker详细»
两表比率bi-statement ratios详细»
两边市场two-sided market详细»
两部关税two parts tariff详细»
两部门模式分析two-sector model analysis详细»
两阶段程序two-stage process详细»
两阶段艾特肯估计法two-stage Aitken estimation method详细»
两阶段设计two-stage design详细»
两院联合经济委员会Joint Economic Committee (JEC)详细»
两项投入模式two-input model详细»
严厉条件贷款hard loan详细»
严格一致原则strict compliance rule详细»
严格假定stringent assumption详细»
严格平稳数列strict-sense stationary series详细»
严格意义上的、完整的全民所有制ownership by the whole people in the strict and complete sense of the term详细»
严格控制物资分配的统制经济controlled economy,under which the distribution of materials was put under strict government restriction详细»
严格法纪strict enforcement of law and discipline详细»
严格的抽样检查tightened sampling inspection详细»
严格符合主义doctrine of strict compliance详细»
严格线性函数strictly linear function详细»
严格节约rigid economy详细»
严格误差界限rigorous error limits详细»
严格遵守合同条款strict performance of contract详细»
严肃财经纪律strictly enforce economic discipline详细»
严重失业地区substantial-unemployment area详细»
严重故障catastrophe failure详细»
严重缺货时的市价famine price详细»
严重违法的私人工商户private industrial and commercial units that break the law on a serious scale详细»
丧失出庭权利amittere curiam详细»