
商务专业汉英词典 商务专业英语词典 商务英语词典 商务英语词汇 商务专业词典 商务英语专业词典

商务专业汉英词典 第126页

价格机制的运转费用operational expenses of the price mechanism详细»
价格杠杆price leverage详细»
价格条款price clause详细»
价格构成中的利润额amount of profit in the composition of price详细»
价格标售,价格拍卖price auction详细»
价格标签,价目标签price tag详细»
价格欺骗price gouging详细»
价格歧视price discrimination详细»
价格水平price level详细»
价格波动fluctuation in prices详细»
价格浮动准备price fluctuation reserve详细»
价格涨落price fluctuations详细»
价格灵敏性系数,价格敏感系数coefficient of sensitivity of prices;coefficient of price sensitivity详细»
价格的人民币部分Renminbi part of contract price详细»
价格的刚性,价格僵硬性price rigidity详细»
价格的固定性fixity of price详细»
价格的符号token of price详细»
价格的赊销部分credit part of contract price详细»
价格的隋性inertia of price详细»
价格盆地price basin详细»
价格相对数price relative详细»
价格种类price classification详细»
价格稳定price steadiness详细»
价格竞争price competition详细»
价格符合价值price corresponds to its value;correspondence between price and value;bring prices into conformity with value详细»
价格管理体制price management system详细»
价格紊乱commotion in price详细»
价格组合price mix详细»
价格结构price structure;price mechanism详细»
价格维持协定price maintenance agreement详细»