
商务专业汉英词典 商务专业英语词典 商务英语词典 商务英语词汇 商务专业词典 商务英语专业词典

商务专业汉英词典 第125页

价格回升recovery of price详细»
价格垄断price fixing详细»
价格对比parity of prices详细»
价格差别price discrimination;price differences详细»
价格差异price discrepancy;price variance详细»
价格差损loss from difference of price详细»
价格差距price spread详细»
价格差距过大wide price详细»
价格带头,价格领导,领格领先,价格领袖price leadership;price leader详细»
价格平衡price equilibrium详细»
价格弹性price elasticity;price flexibility详细»
价格形成机制price formation mechanism详细»
价格形成过程price formation process详细»
价格总水平general level of prices详细»
价格成份price components详细»
价格或工资自动调整条款escalation clause;escalator clause详细»
价格扭曲price distortion;distorted prices详细»
价格折扣制度list-and-discount pricing system;discount pricing system详细»
价格报价法price quotation system详细»
价格指数price index;price index number;index of prices详细»
价格指标price indicator详细»
价格接近close price详细»
价格改革price reform详细»
价格放开prices float freely详细»
价格效应price effcct详细»
价格方程price equation详细»
价格暴涨flare-up in prices;spurt in prices详细»
价格期望值price expectation详细»
价格术语terminology of price;terms of price详细»