
商务专业汉英词典 商务专业英语词典 商务英语词典 商务英语词汇 商务专业词典 商务英语专业词典

商务专业汉英词典 第70页

临界设计design margin详细»
临界负载critical load详细»
临界面积critical area详细»
丸船[日本]maru ship详细»
丹麦国家银行Denmark''s National Bank详细»
丹麦工会联合会Danish Federation of Trade Unions详细»
为…支付用的信用证letter of credit in fvavor of…详细»
为…进行广告宣传run a publicity (advertising) campaign;conduct a publicity (advertising) campaign;carry a publicity (advertising) campaign详细»
为了消费资料而消费的劳务services on behalf of the means of consumption详细»
为了私有财产的私有财产private property for private property详细»
为付息而发行的债券issuance between interest dates详细»
为供销售而持有的财产property held for sale to customers详细»
为偿付债务开支再筹划资金refinancing of debt service payments详细»
为其他部门提供的产业服务价值value of industrial services rendered to others详细»
为决策而作成本计算costing for decision making详细»
为出售而开出的票据bill drawn for sale详细»
为商品注册而设立的商品及服务项目国际分类尼斯协定Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods,and Services for the Purpose of the Registration of Marks详细»
为外国来往行保证承兑票据产生的或有负债contingent liability on acceptances purchased for foreign correspondents详细»
为委托人订货order for the principal详细»
为对付罢工而封闭的工厂lock out详细»
为居民户的私人非盈利生产者producers of private nonprofit services to households详细»
为工程上保险insure works详细»
为开发而提供的援助development assistance详细»
为招揽顾客而亏本出售的货物loss leader详细»
为提供就业机会而采取的措施make-work activities详细»
为支付债务而按年提取的预算资金permanent annual charge详细»
为未偿还借款重新筹集的资金refinancing of outstanding borrowing详细»