
商务专业汉英词典 商务专业英语词典 商务英语词典 商务英语词汇 商务专业词典 商务英语专业词典

商务专业汉英词典 第76页

类 category B详细»
乙种车辆税grade B vehicle tax详细»
乙级检验class B inspection详细»
也门中央银行[北也门] Central Bank of Yemen详细»
也门国家银行[南也门] National Bank of Yemen详细»
习惯保有customary tenure详细»
习惯做法practices prevailing (in the international monetary market)详细»
习惯包装conventional packing;customary packing详细»
习惯国际法customary international law详细»
习惯形成原理habit formation principle详细»
习惯性的价格customary price详细»
习惯持续性模型habit persistence model详细»
习惯法上的兑换common-law exchange详细»
习惯法信托机构[即业务信托机构]common-law trust详细»
习惯法责任common-law liability详细»
习惯皮重customary tare详细»
习惯订价法customary pricing详细»
习惯运费单位customary freight unit详细»
乡村人口rural population详细»
乡村医生培训制度改革reform of rural doctor training system详细»
乡村国家rural country详细»
乡村家具cottage furniture详细»
乡村银行country bank详细»
乡镇企业“一包三改”one contract and three reforms of township and village enterprises详细»
乡镇企业开发区township and village enterprise development zones详细»
乡镇企业集团化grouping of township enterprises详细»
乡镇财政village and town finance详细»
乡间损失country damage详细»
书信电报letter telegram (LT)详细»