
会计专业汉英词典 会计专业英语词典 会计英语词典 会计英语词汇 会计专业词典 会计英语专业词典

会计专业汉英词典 第23页

历史媒介推算式parametric approach详细»
历史成本historical cost详细»
历史成本与可收回金额孰低historical cost or recoverable amount,the lower详细»
历史成本法historical cost method;historical costing;method of historical cost详细»
历史标准成本historical standard cost详细»
历史百分率法historical percentage method详细»
历史财务报表historical financial statement详细»
历月calendar month详细»
压价政策,压平物价政策rollback policy详细»
压低的价格reduced price详细»
压指标forcing down the targets详细»
压缩利润squeeze on profit详细»
压缩开支reduce expenses;cut down expenses;retrench详细»
压舱物ballast;bottom cargo;ballast cargo;base cargo详细»
压船压货loading and unloading of ships to be delayed while goods pile up waiting for transshipment详细»
原产国country of origin详细»
原产地place of origin详细»
原产地名称appellation of origin详细»
原产地规则rules of origin详细»
原产地证明书A式form A certificate of origin;certificate of origin form A详细»
原价与市价按低价盘存法cost-or-market method详细»
原价减去折旧的价值cost less depreciation详细»
原保险original insurance详细»
原值initial value;original value;value remains intact详细»
原厂委托制造产品,原厂装配产品original equipment manufacturing product;OEM product详细»
原厂报价,原厂价格original equipment manufacture price;OEM price详细»
原发股票original-issue stock详细»
原发行溢价original issue premium详细»