
会计专业汉英词典 会计专业英语词典 会计英语词典 会计英语词汇 会计专业词典 会计英语专业词典

会计专业汉英词典 第84页

会计项目accounting item详细»
伞伐作业[林业]uniform system详细»
传票voucher;bookkeeping note;slip;summons;subpoena详细»
传票式会计slip system of accounting详细»
传票日记帐slip daybook详细»
传统会计conventional accounting详细»
传统出口traditional export详细»
传统包装conventional packing详细»
传统成本会计conventional cost accounting详细»
传统报告方式traditional reporting详细»
传统船conventional ship;conventional vessel详细»
传统部门traditional sectors详细»
传统预算法traditional budgeting详细»
伤亡事故损失casualty loss详细»
伤亡补偿金compensation for injury or death详细»
伤害保险bodily injury insurance;casualty insurance;injury insurance详细»
伤残怃恤金pension for disable lives详细»
伦巴第利率 [英国]Lombard rate详细»
伦敦公司 [又称弗吉尼亚公司]London Company详细»
伦敦到岸价格条件,伦敦卸岸条件London landed terms详细»
伦敦外汇市场London foreign exchange market详细»
伦敦港务局Port of London Authority (PLA)详细»
伦敦票据交换所 [英国]London clearing house详细»
伦敦美元存单市场London dollar certificate of deposit market;London dollar CD market详细»
伦敦谷物期货市场London Grain Futures Market详细»
伦敦贴现市场London discount market详细»
伦敦银行清算所London Bankers'' Clearing House详细»
伪劣商品imitative and inferior commodities;fake and poor quality commodities详细»
伪应收款fictitious accounts receivable详细»