
会计专业汉英词典 会计专业英语词典 会计英语词典 会计英语词汇 会计专业词典 会计英语专业词典

会计专业汉英词典 第90页

余暇工业leisure industry详细»
余款停止支用通知surplus-fund warrant详细»
余热利用reuse of waste heat详细»
余热资源residual heat resources详细»
余绌surplus or deficit详细»
余舱货物berth cargo;filler cargo详细»
余额balance;balance outstanding;(get a) surplus (from the utilization of the land);black ink figure;black ink;in the black;amount of balance;remaining sum;the rest of the sum详细»
余额包销stand-by underwriting详细»
余额帐户balance account详细»
余额式分类帐balance form of ledger;balancing ledger详细»
余额承前balance brought forward详细»
余额控制检查balance control check详细»
余额栏帐户balance column account详细»
余额结转balance carried down详细»
余额表list of balances;balance sheet详细»
余额试算表trial balance of balances详细»
余额转入新户balance transferred to new account详细»
余额递减式损益计算书reducing-balance-form of profit and loss statement详细»
作…的担保in security for详细»
作业定额,作业限额activity quota详细»
作业成本cost of operation;operating cost;activity cost详细»
作业成本管理operational cost control详细»
作业说明书job description详细»
作为合同附件的attached to contract;annexed to contract;enclosed with contract详细»
作为抵补as cover详细»
作为红利发行的股票bonus issue详细»
作为资本支出的费用capitalized expense详细»
作价买进无形资产acquire intangible assets at a fixed price详细»
作价剩余资产reevaluate remaining assets详细»