翻译 | 详细 |
估计市价estimated market value | 详细» |
估计年限,估计寿命[机器]estimated life | 详细» |
估计成本价值estimated cost value | 详细» |
估计成本收回的可能性estimating cost recoverability | 详细» |
估计所得税支付不足underpayment of estimated income taxes | 详细» |
估计损益计算书estimated profit and loss statement | 详细» |
估计收入estimated income | 详细» |
估计日estimation days | 详细» |
估计每件平均值mean-per-unit estimation | 详细» |
估计现金需要estimated cash requirements | 详细» |
估计税款负债estimated tax liability | 详细» |
估计税额申报declaration of estimated tax | 详细» |
估计表estimated statement | 详细» |
估计负债,估计应付款项estimated liability | 详细» |
估计费用准备金reserve for estimated expenses | 详细» |
估计资本estimated capital | 详细» |
估计过高overrate;overestimate | 详细» |
估计销货清单pro forma account sales | 详细» |
伸缩债券escalator bond | 详细» |
伸缩性价格flexible price | 详细» |
伸缩性货币供应elastic money supply | 详细» |
伸缩条款adjustment clause;escalator clause;cost escalation clause | 详细» |
但书proviso;saving clause | 详细» |
低于平价below par | 详细» |
低于票面价值below par | 详细» |
低于竞争价格出售underselling | 详细» |
低价决标award under ceiling price | 详细» |
低价品low-priced goods;low-end | 详细» |
低价统购政策policy of monopoly low-price purchase | 详细» |
低价运费distress freight | 详细» |