翻译 | 详细 |
伪码pseudo-codes | 详细» |
伪证perjury | 详细» |
伪造保证,伪造债券forgery bond | 详细» |
伪造品counterfeit | 详细» |
伪造支票scratch | 详细» |
伪造数据data falsification | 详细» |
伪造的提单forged bills of lading | 详细» |
伪造的签字保险forgery insurance | 详细» |
伪造的背书forged endorsement | 详细» |
伪造签章,伪造文件或票据,伪造物,伪造罪forgery | 详细» |
伪造货币counterfeiting;coining (is a serious offense;make the queer | 详细» |
估产appraise the assets;assess;crop survey;estimate the yield | 详细» |
估价appraised price;assessment;valuation;appraisal price;estimate price;appraise;assessed value;appraisement;cost estimate;appraisal;evaluation;estimation of cost | 详细» |
估价公司appraisal company | 详细» |
估价分录appraised entry | 详细» |
估价制度valuation system | 详细» |
估价原则principle of valuation | 详细» |
估价基数rate base | 详细» |
估价增值appraisal increment | 详细» |
估价差益profit accrued from valuation | 详细» |
估价惯例valuation convention | 详细» |
估价报告书appraisal report | 详细» |
估价条款valuation clause | 详细» |
估价比率valuation ratio | 详细» |
估价物品仓库,估税仓库appraiser''s store | 详细» |
估价盈余appraisal surplus | 详细» |
估价调整valuation adjustment | 详细» |
估价财产的人assessor | 详细» |
估价过高overvalue;overstated;overstatement;overrate | 详细» |
估价项目valuation items | 详细» |