
会计专业汉英词典 会计专业英语词典 会计英语词典 会计英语词汇 会计专业词典 会计英语专业词典

会计专业汉英词典 第94页

供登记用名nominee name详细»
供给交叉弹性cross elasticity of supply详细»
供给价格弹性price elasticity of supply详细»
供给使用帐户supply utilization accounts详细»
供给功能[市场学]function of physical supply详细»
供给条件supply conditions详细»
供给表supply schedule详细»
供给过剩excess supply;glut详细»
供给量quantity supplied详细»
供试用[商品]on approbation;on approval详细»
供货人发票supplier''s invoice详细»
供货价格supply price详细»
供货充足completeness of deliveries;entirety of deliveries详细»
供货后支付代理费pay a commission rate upon (after) delivery详细»
供货方的国内标准standards,existing in the supplier''s country详细»
供货时间表schedule of deliveries;delivery schedule详细»
供货条款terms of delivery详细»
供货的基础条件terms of delivery详细»
供货的预先分配tentative division of supplies;provisional division of supplies详细»
供货量,供应量volume of deliveries详细»
供距range (of one of the goods)详细»
供过于求supply exceeds demand;pile up in excess of requirement;glut;excess of supply over demand详细»
供选择的定居类型alternative settlement pattern详细»
供销合作社supply and marketing cooperatives;marketing cooperative详细»
供销合同supply and marketing contract详细»
供销成本预算,供销费用预算distribution cost budget;supply and marketing cost budget详细»
供销社贸易货栈管理management of trade-warehouses of supply and marketing cooperatives详细»
供需双方supplying and requisitioning parties详细»
供需平衡balance of supply and demand详细»