翻译 | 详细 |
人均居住面积per capita living space | 详细» |
人均支出per capita expenditure | 详细» |
人均日摄取热量per capita daily calorie intake | 详细» |
人均每夜住宿收费average receipts per person-night | 详细» |
人均消费量consumption per head | 详细» |
人均用电量per capita household electricity consumption | 详细» |
人均税率per capita rate | 详细» |
人均能源消费量per capita energy consumption | 详细» |
人均量的多项比较multilateral per capita quantity comparisons | 详细» |
人均需求量per capita demand | 详细» |
人多地少vast population and limited farmland | 详细» |
人定胜天man can conquer nature;man will triumph over nature;human will overpower natural forces;man''s will,not heaven,decides;man''s will can conquer Heaven;man''s determination will conquer nature | 详细» |
人寿保险insurance for life;life assurance;life insurance;insurance till death | 详细» |
人寿保险信托life insurance trust | 详细» |
人寿保险公司准备及主权股增加数increase in reserves and equities of life insurance companies | 详细» |
人寿保险公司的死亡率统计表experience table | 详细» |
人寿保险单life policy (LP);life insurance policy (LIP) | 详细» |
人寿保险单关于分期赔偿的条款installment settlement | 详细» |
人寿保险的意外死亡双重赔偿条款accidental death benefit | 详细» |
人寿保险精算准备金actuarial reserves in respect of life insurance | 详细» |
人寿保险赔偿的第一受益人prima beneficiary | 详细» |
人寿定期保险endowment insurance;endowment assurance | 详细» |
人寿险死亡比率mortality ratio | 详细» |
人尽其才、地尽其利、物尽其用human,land and material resources can be turned to best account | 详细» |
人工仿真科学science of the artificial | 详细» |
人工供给来源source of labor supply | 详细» |
人工劳动hand labor | 详细» |
人工周转成本cost of labor turnover | 详细» |
人工型流程程序图man-type flow process chart | 详细» |
人工小时率labor hour rate;worker-hour rate | 详细» |