
商务专业汉英词典 商务专业英语词典 商务英语词典 商务英语词汇 商务专业词典 商务英语专业词典

商务专业汉英词典 第118页

以前年度prior year;previous year详细»
以前年度收益调整adjustment of earnings of prior periods详细»
以前年度税款prior years'' tax levies详细»
以副补主、以工助医income from sideline and small industrial enterprises to subsidize the development of agricultural production and medical and health service详细»
以区别性定价所作的间接再分配indirect redistribution through discriminatory pricing详细»
以协议装货日期为准subject to stem详细»
以原产地取名的产品名appellation of origin详细»
以取得输入许可证为条件subject to import license详细»
以合同额为计算基础contract base详细»
以商业方式出售许可证sale of licenses on commercial terms详细»
以土地使用费入股(if the land in question is) contributed by (the Chinese side) as part of its investment by means of a land use fee详细»
以地要房exchanging land for housing详细»
以增加出口带动的经济增长export-led growth详细»
以大量花费为代价at heavy cost详细»
以存支贷using the money from the deposits for loans详细»
以存款作担保deposit as collateral详细»
以实物计算in kind详细»
以宽厚的条件,以优厚的条件on easy terms详细»
以小零售商为对象的中间批发商cash-and-carry wholesaler详细»
以工业为基地的学员industry-based student详细»
以工作为依据的参与task-based participation详细»
以工商业比较发达的大城市为依托的全国经济中心national economic networks with the advanced industrial and commercial cities as their centers详细»
以平常的速度with customary dispatch详细»
以应收帐款为抵押的短期信贷pledging of accounts receivable详细»
以应收票据担保note receivable as collateral详细»
以开证银行为受货人consigned to issuing bank;unto issuing bank详细»
以往经营成绩标准past performance standard详细»
以成本发生之经常与否为基础,以成本是否经常发生为基础base of regularity of occurrence详细»