翻译 | 详细 |
从外地回运[空集装箱]overland transit empty | 详细» |
从定货到交货过程中所消耗的储备lead-time stock | 详细» |
从属保险费subject premium | 详细» |
从属地位dependence | 详细» |
从属经济dependent economy | 详细» |
从属费用incidental charges;incidental expenses;incidental costs | 详细» |
从工地上搬走remove from the site | 详细» |
从工资中扣除deduct from the pay;deduct from the salary;deduction from wages | 详细» |
从技术变化看经济增长technology-based view of economic growth | 详细» |
从整件包装中窃取一部分货物pilferage | 详细» |
从某日起from the date | 详细» |
从活期帐户透支[向银行借款条件之一]overdraft on current account | 详细» |
从源扣缴的所得税income tax withheld at source | 详细» |
从源扣缴[税款]withholding at source;stoppage at the source | 详细» |
从源课征所得税income tax collected at source | 详细» |
从源课税的税收source taxes | 详细» |
从社会上借款borrowing from the "public | 详细» |
从联属企业借款borrowing from affiliate;borrowing from affiliated company | 详细» |
从财产用企业所得的政府收入government income from property and enterpreneurship | 详细» |
从账本上撤消write off | 详细» |
从量关税税率表specific tariff | 详细» |
从量税specific duty;specific tax | 详细» |
从集体分得的收入income from collective economic undertakings | 详细» |
从零开始的预算zero-base budgeting | 详细» |
仓位shipping space | 详细» |
仓储业务warehousing | 详细» |
仓储作业warehousing and storage activities | 详细» |
仓储入库费warehouse and carrying charges | 详细» |
仓储单landing account | 详细» |
仓储摊销[期货市场]carry charge | 详细» |