
商务专业汉英词典 商务专业英语词典 商务英语词典 商务英语词汇 商务专业词典 商务英语专业词典

商务专业汉英词典 第111页

仓至仓险warehouse to warehouse risk详细»
仔细检查工地study the site详细»
他方帐户,他帐loro account详细»
付上级帐款account payable to superior详细»
付关税的价格price at duty paid详细»
付出劳动量expend the quantity of labor;contribute amount of labor详细»
付后支票paid cheque详细»
付定钱订货bind the order with a deposit详细»
付差额金pay the difference;meet the difference详细»
付帐人卡联cardholder copy详细»
付息payment of interest详细»
付息及税前利润earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)详细»
付抬头人或其指定人pay to the order of详细»
付持票人支票bearer check详细»
付杂费sundry expense详细»
付欠款come across详细»
付款不足payment insufficient详细»
付款交单documents against cash;documents against payment;documents on payment (DOP)详细»
付款交单汇票document against acceptance bill;DA bill;document against payment bill (DP);documentary payment;DP bill详细»
付款交货方式的运输(handle) cash on delivery shipments详细»
付款代理人pay agent;paying agent详细»
付款保证银行certifying bank详细»
付款凭单warrant;payment voucher;voucher;paying certificate详细»
付款凭证evidence of payment;bill of credit详细»
付款协定agreement to offset payment;payments agreement详细»
付款卡debit card详细»
付款台check-out counter详细»
付款后交单documents against payment (DP)详细»