
商务专业汉英词典 商务专业英语词典 商务英语词典 商务英语词汇 商务专业词典 商务英语专业词典

商务专业汉英词典 第119页

以托运人的代理人为受货人,以托运人的国外代理人为受货人unto shipper''s foreign agent;consigned to shipper''s foreign agent详细»
以承包形式on contract terms详细»
以投标形式by tender详细»
以投资项目为贷款基础project basis for loans详细»
以抛售压低市价bear the market by selling详细»
以押汇银行为受货人consigned to negotiating bank;unto negotiating bank详细»
以支票提取的存款checking deposits详细»
以收到许可证为条件的条款receipt of license clause详细»
以收定支expenditure is determined by revenue详细»
以政府公债担保的票据贴现discount of bills with government bonds as collateral详细»
以效益为中心的转变change (from being speed-oriented to) being result-oriented详细»
以数量表示的条件预测quantified conditional prediction详细»
以新票据抵换到期票据的分录entry for a renewal note详细»
以旧物折价换取新物trade in详细»
以易货方式on a barter basis详细»
以最大库存量补充点为基准的订货方式replenishment ordering system详细»
以有价证券作抵押的债券collateral trust bond详细»
以期换现against actual (AA)详细»
以本国货币表示的价格prices in local currencies详细»
以次充好taking substandard products as fine products详细»
以每股股息额表示dividend-per-share presentations详细»
以汇票为抵押证券bill deposited as collateral security详细»
以法治税tackling tax problems according to law详细»
以满期缺口补进部位covered position with a maturity gap详细»
以潜在收入为纳税基础potential income as tax base详细»
以物品担保的贷款loan secured by things详细»
以物易物exchange and barter详细»
以特别提款权计值的欧洲贷款SDR-denominated Eurocredits详细»
以特定或更佳价格at or better详细»