
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第131页

保密审查crypto-censorship;inquiry on the protection of secrets详细»
保密宣誓pledge of secrecy详细»
保密文件classified document;confidential document详细»
保密条款confidentiality clause;secrecy clause;security clause详细»
保密级别security classification详细»
保密通信confidential correspondence;secret communication详细»
保底条款minimum-guarantee clause详细»
保户the insured;policy holder详细»
保护主义protectionism;protectionism of criminal law详细»
保护义务protective duty详细»
保护人权与基本自由protetion of human rights and basic freedom详细»
保护优先主义priority of protection详细»
保护作品完整权protect the right to integrity of a work;right to integrity of a work详细»
保护债权人程序procedure for the protection of creditors详细»
保护关税制protective system;protective tariff system详细»
保护关系条约treaty of protectorate详细»
保护区conservation area;conservation zone;protection zone;protective zone详细»
保护国patron state;protecting power;protecting state;protectorate;wartime protecting power详细»
保护地带zone of protection详细»
保护委员会protective committee详细»
保护少数者条约treaty for the protection of minorities详细»
保护性从权利protective secondary right详细»
保护性关税protective tariff详细»
保护性拘留protective custody;protective detention详细»
保护性法律关系客体object of protective legal relation详细»
保护性红十字标志protective Red Cross mark;protective heraldic emblem of Red Cross详细»
保护性贸易protective trade详细»
保护文物法规laws and regulations on the protection of cultural relics详细»
保护期限duration;length;term of protection详细»
保护权protectorate;right to protection;suzerainty;tutorship详细»