
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第127页

侵害尸体罪desecration of corpse详细»
侵害特权breach of privilege详细»
侵害知识产权的赔偿compensation for infringement of intellectual property rights详细»
侵害禁绝处分罪violation against prohibition punishment详细»
侵害言论隐私罪invasion of the privacy of speech详细»
侵害财产trespass to goods;trespass to property详细»
侵害赋税机密罪violation against tax secrets详细»
侵扰intrude;invade and harass;harassment;intrusion详细»
侵扰立法机关工作罪offense of harassing the work of legislative organ详细»
侵权国delinquent state详细»
侵权损害赔偿damages for infringement;remedies of infringement;tortious damages详细»
侵权法上的无过失责任strict liability in tort详细»
侵权结果发生地place of the result of tort;place where the result of a tort took place详细»
侵权行为act of tort;delict;delictum;infringing act;tort;tortious act;tortus;tortious详细»
侵权行为债务obligatio ex delicto;obligatio ex maleficio详细»
侵权行为发生地locus delicti commissi;place where a tort is committed详细»
侵权行为地locus delicti;place of tortious act;place where a tort is committed详细»
侵权行为地的确定determination of locus delicti;determination of the place of a tortious act详细»
侵权行为诉讼tort action详细»
侵权诉讼的答辩defense in a tort action;plea in a tort action详细»
侵权责任规范norms of liability for tort详细»
侵权软件infringing software;software of infringement详细»
侵物行为trespass to chattels;trespass to goods详细»
侵犯专利infringe a patent;infringement of patent详细»
侵犯专利权的复印本infringing copy详细»
侵犯专利权行为infringement of patent;infringement of patent right;patent infringement详细»