
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第128页

侵犯个体工商户名称权纠纷案controversy over infringement upon the right to name of a self-employed business household详细»
侵犯他人人身健康的行为act of violation against another person''s health详细»
侵犯他人土地trespass to land详细»
侵犯公民名誉权纠纷案controversy over invasion of a citizen''s right to reputation详细»
侵犯公民民主权利罪crimes of infringement upon the democratic rights of citizens详细»
侵犯公民荣誉权纠纷案controversy over infringement upon a citizen''s right to honor详细»
侵犯公私财物行为encroachment on public and private properties;violation against public and private properties详细»
侵犯发现权纠纷案controversy over infringement upon the right of discovery详细»
侵犯商业秘密行为act of invasion of business secrets详细»
侵犯商标权的诉讼action for infringement of trademark详细»
侵犯大使特权罪offense of infringing upon the privilege of an ambassador详细»
侵犯性说theory of aggression详细»
侵犯权利disturb a right;infringe a right;invade a right;disturbance of a right;infringement;infringement of rights;invasion详细»
侵犯法人名誉权纠纷案controversy over infringement upon a legal person''s right to reputation详细»
侵犯版权copyright infringement详细»
侵犯版权的作品复制品infringing copies of a work详细»
侵犯版权罪criminal infringement;infringement of copyright详细»
侵犯生命健康权赔偿compensation for violations against another''s right to life and health详细»
侵犯知识产权犯罪案件cases involving criminal infringement详细»
侵犯职工合法权益infringement upon legal rights and interest of staff and workers详细»
侵犯著作权infringe copyright;infringement of copyright;piracy详细»
侵犯财产encroachment of property;property torts;property violation详细»
侵犯财产罪crimes against property;crimes of encroachment upon property详细»
侵犯邻接权invasion of neighboring rights;trespass of neighboring rights详细»
侵犯领空interference with airspace;invasion of airspace详细»
侵略军aggressor troops;invading army详细»
侵略定义definition of aggression详细»
侵略意图aggressive intention;intention of aggression详细»