
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第90页

人民代表大会people''s congress详细»
人民代表大会制system of people''s congress详细»
人民代表机关representative organ of the people详细»
人民公安people''s public security详细»
人民公社people''s commune详细»
人民内部矛盾contradictions among the people详细»
人民团体mass organization;people''s organization详细»
人民审判员people''s judge详细»
人民币分支库branching reserve of renminbi详细»
人民币发行库reserve for issuance of renminbi详细»
人民币外汇票证RMB foreign exchange instrument详细»
人民币投放制度system regarding renminbi supply详细»
人民币汇率exchange rate of RMB详细»
人民币现钞保管证RMB banknote custodian certificate详细»
人民币辅币fractional currency of renminbi;fractional money of renminbi详细»
人民政府全体会议plenary meeting of the people''s government详细»
人民政府所在地location of the people''s government;seat of the people''s government详细»
人民来信来访接待处reception office for letters from and visits by the masses详细»
人民检察院people''s prosecutorial office;people''s procuratorate;people''s prosecutor''s office详细»
人民检察院分院branch of people''s procuratorate详细»
人民检察院对民事审判活动实行法律监督原则principle of the people''s procuratorate exercising legal supervision over civil adjudicatory activities详细»
人民检察院派出机构agency of people''s procuratorate;detached office of people''s procuratorate详细»
人民民主people''s democracy详细»
人民民主制度people''s democracy;people''s democratic system详细»
人民民主宪政people''s democratic constitutionality详细»
人民民主自治people''s democratic self-government详细»
人民法庭people''s tribunal详细»
人民法院不受理的行政案件administrative case unaccepted by the people''s court详细»
人民法院协助执行通知书notice of the people''s court on assistance to enforcement详细»