
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第95页

从属许可合同sublicense contract详细»
从开始便不法侵入者trespasser ab initio详细»
从担保collateral security详细»
从新原则doctrine of observing new laws详细»
从旧原则doctrine of observing old laws详细»
从权利secondary right详细»
从法律行为secondary lawful act详细»
从源扣缴税款stoppage at source;withholding at source详细»
从源课征所得税income tax collected at source详细»
从物权accessory real right;secondary right in rem详细»
从犯accessory;accessorial criminal;accomplice;particeps criminis详细»
从票据行为secondary act on negotiable instrument详细»
从表兄弟姐妹second cousin详细»
从资本纳税paid out of capital详细»
从轻原则principle of lighter punishment详细»
从轻治安处罚lighter punishment in public security详细»
从重heavier punishment详细»
从重处罚give a heavier punishment;;heavier punishment详细»
从量税specific duty详细»
仓储keep in a storehouse;grain storage;storage详细»
仓储保管人的留置权warehouseman''s lien详细»
仓储保管人营业所所在地法律law of the place of the warehouseman''s business office详细»
仓储保管合同纠纷案件controversy over warehousing contract详细»
仓储费godown charge;storage charge;warehousing详细»
仓单dock warrant;godown warrant;warehouse receipt详细»
仓库交货ex store;ex warehouse详细»
仓库利用率utilization ratio of warehouse详细»
仓库收据warehouse receipt详细»
仓库防火安全管理fire prevention and safety in warehouses详细»