
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第92页

人身伤害纠纷案件controversy over personal injuries详细»
人身侮辱personal insult详细»
人身保护physical protection详细»
人身保护令状writ of habeas corpus详细»
人身保护法habeas corpus acts详细»
人身保险中的死亡保险personal insurance in the event of death详细»
人身保险单policy of personal insurance详细»
人身保险契约contract of personal insurance;personal insurance contract详细»
人身保险的被保险人the insured of personal insurance详细»
人身关系personal relation详细»
人身安全personal safety;personal security详细»
人身安全权right to personal safety详细»
人身强制措施coercive measure against the person详细»
人身意外伤害保险协议书agreement on personal accident insurance详细»
人身损害damage to person;personal injury详细»
人身攻击personal abuse;personal attack详细»
人身权利right of the person详细»
人身条件犯罪crime of personal conditions详细»
人身监护人guardian of person详细»
人身罚personal punishment;punishment of person;personal sanction详细»
人身自由不可侵犯inviolability of personal liberties详细»
人身自由法personal liberties law详细»
人身请求personal claim;persons claim详细»
人身非财产关系personal nonproperty relations详细»
人造卫星广播satellite broadcast详细»
人道humanity;human sympathy;human;humane详细»
人道主义义务duties of humanity;humanitarian duties详细»
人道主义原则principle of humanitarianism详细»
人道主义干涉humanitarian intervention详细»
人道主义战争规则rules of humanitarian warfare详细»