
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第91页

人民法院民事庭civil division of the people''s court详细»
人民法院行政庭administrative division of the people''s court详细»
人民监察委员会people''s supervision committee详细»
人民群众生活秩序order of people''s life详细»
人民自决self-determination of the peoples详细»
人民解放军the People''s Liberation Army详细»
人民警察使用武器制度system for the use of weapons by the people''s police详细»
人民警察权限extent of power of the people''s police详细»
人民警察职责duties of the people''s police详细»
人民调解制度system of people''s mediation详细»
人民调解委员member of the people''s mediation committee详细»
人民调解组织纪律discipline of people''s mediation详细»
人民陪审员制度system of people''s assessors;system of people''s jurors详细»
人治rule by men;rule of men详细»
人物描述description of a person详细»
人犯active criminal suspect;defendant;implicated in a crime;the accused;the implicated详细»
人种论racial theory详细»
人类使节envoy of mankind详细»
人类共同继承的遗产common heritage of mankind详细»
人类共同继承遗产原则的确立establishment of the doctrine of common heritage of mankind详细»
人类居住区human habitat;human settlements详细»
人类开发范围province of mankind详细»
人类敌人hostes humani generis详细»
人类权利rights of mankind详细»
人类环境行动计划action plan for the human environment详细»
人证human testimony;living witness;testimony详细»
人赃俱获taken with the mainour;furtum manifestum详细»
人身不可侵犯inviolability of the person;personal inviolability详细»
人身伤害personal injury;physical harm;physical injury详细»