
法学专业汉英词典 法学专业英语词典 法学英语词典 法学英语词汇 法学专业词典 法学英语专业词典

法学专业汉英词典 第105页

任择议定书optional protocol详细»
任期incumbency;tenure;tenure of office;term of office详细»
任期制system with fixed terms of office详细»
任用行为act of appointing civil officials详细»
任职合伙人active partner;working partner详细»
任职培训office-holding training;tenancy training详细»
任职权jus honorum详细»
任选性城市规划spot zoning详细»
任选条款optional clause;permissive provisions详细»
份额政策tranche policies详细»
仿冒企业名称fraudulently copy the corporate name of another;fraudulently model on the corporate name of another详细»
仿造be modelled on;copy;counterfeit详细»
企业专业化和联合specialization and combination of enterprises详细»
企业主proprietor of an enterprise;person or party concerned详细»
企业主管部门administrative department in charge of enterprises;competent administrative department for enterprises详细»
企业产品战略product strategy of an enterprise详细»
企业产权转让市场market for transfer of corporate property right详细»
企业会计制度enterprise accounting system详细»
企业倒闭business failure详细»
企业债券管理control of corporate securities详细»
企业停业清理voluntary business winding-up详细»
企业公共关系public relations for an enterprise详细»
企业兼并enterprise merger;merger of enterprises详细»
企业内部承包intramural contracting of an enterprise详细»
企业内部经济合同intramural economic contracts of an enterprise详细»
企业内部经济责任制system of the economic responsibilities within an enterprise详细»
企业决策机制decision-making mechanism of enterprises;详细»
企业利益机制enterprise benefit mechanism详细»